Browsing All posts tagged under »truth«

The Gift you Give, the Hell you Get

January 4, 2008


There’s a flower called Yipilipticus, which grows in the rain forests of Ecuador and Peru. It’s a delicate and beautiful flower which bears a fruit, small and red, for just five days every year, mid-way through June. The fruit is scented, a delightful fragrance, and is deliciously sweet to taste. However, those who taste the […]

Before the Great Leap Backward…

January 3, 2008


A small stuffy staff room in a ragtag rundown school. Two wandering souls sat either side of a rickety table on it’s last (and presumably) only legs. The sounds of scribbling filling the room. The one in the cheap slap looks up. “You’re definately off then?” The back of the chair creaks absorbing her weight […]